Monday, December 13, 2010

Working with SIM

The social interactive method (SIM) is a lesson plan that can be used for cooperative learning (CL). We learned about the five characteristics of cooperative learning, which are positive interdependence, individual and group accountability, group processing, social skills and face-to-face interaction. By using this lesson in the classroom, you are helping your students to create relationships and help students learn how to work together to achieve a goal. To learn about CL, we taught each the different characteristics to each other. This helped me to get an in-depth idea of my one characteristic. I also learned more from my classmates then just being lectured or reading something about CL. 
We did an SIM lesson plan for peer feedback. I like that we had to reflect on our own work and others work to make changes and help make our lesson plans better. Working with our peers to fix and adjust our lessons helped me. They were working on the same project and had ideas that were creative and interesting. This was the point of cooperative learning and the SIM lesson plan.

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