Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beginning the Journey

This first week of class was exciting, but not as intimidating as last semester. I feel like I have a better sense of what is expected of me.

The t-shirt project was a great idea to get to know other students. Not only did we find out interesting things about our classmates that may have not come up in a regular discussion, we found out about every ones views on education and teaching.
(My T-shirt Project)

The project was a great ice breaker to help us feel comfortable standing up in front of the class and speaking. It also made the class feel more connected as a group too. This project helped me expand my creativity because it was a hard project to do since we could only use images and not words to tell everyone about us. I'd love to use this sort of project in my own classroom. I want students to be comfortable in their classroom and with their peers and teacher. I want everyone to have some kind of idea of each other, and I also want to know my students also. I want to use this sort of project so that everyone can express their creative side, since that there is more than one type of knowledge and multiple intelligences.

Not only did I learn about others views, I was able to reflect on how I feel about becoming a teacher in the upcoming years. The project made me realize how proud I am of even going to college and furthering my education. I also realized my
anxieties of teaching were not unusual. Everybody felt pretty much the same way I did about being scared of students not being interested or being able to understand. I also found out that anxieties about teaching did not have to be a bad thing. I learned that I am anxious to start teaching because I am excited to offer everything I have learned to a younger generation.

The video, "Learning to Change-Changing to Learn," was a video that held very valid points. The one speaker at the end of the video summed up the point of the video. He said that it is the "death of education," but, "the dawn of learning." What teachers and students are going through right now in the classroom is an enormous change. The way education was dealt with has been fairly the same for decades. More and more are schools are integrating technology into everyday school work. Even though I was in high school only three years ago, we barely used any type of technology as part of our work aside from the few power point slides and research papers. Old fashioned education is dying out, but learning is becoming even more prevalent because it can even be taught through different types of technology.

Today's students are very advanced in all sorts of technology. It is a part of their everyday lives. What a better way to get students involved and interested in school work by incorporating technology. Technology is like the students lingo, and it is a great way for teachers to connect to their students on another level.

I was even able to accept the idea that technology must be apart of everyday school work with students. I've learned to step up and take on different technologies to help get across to my students and have them get interested. Technology serves as a whole new connection for students and teachers. There is a lot of good to come from this. Students will be even more prepared for life with technology on their sides.

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